Legacy Community Christian School Textbook and Resource List



7th & 8th Grades* Text:

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV)

Walking in Truth: The Christian Worldview (Summit Ministries) Student Workbook


World News Group



High School: 9th-12th Grades* Text:

The Holy Bible. English Standard Version (ESV)

Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics, Jeff Meyers & David A. Noebel (Summit Ministries)

Student Workbook


World News Group

Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Current Captivity by Nancy Pearcey In the Likeness of God by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey


*Bible classes will be combined grades until student enrollment allows more division. Courses listed in the course catalogue on the Legacy website will be rotated to provide the necessary credits for promotion and graduation.




Our goal is to integrate history, literature, writing and Biblical worldview as our students progress through Legacy. The teachers from each of these disciplines will work together to assign projects, coordinate lesson plans and meld a vision to accomplish this scope and sequence of humanities.


7th Grade** Text:


Students are introduced to a variety of genres in 7th grade. The English teacher will choose from following list to accomplish this goal and integrate with the historical time period (1400-1600):


A Christmas Carole, Charles Dickens


Swiss Family Robinson, Johann Wyss

The Hobbit*, J. R. R. Tolkien

The Nine Tailors, Dorothy Sayers

Winning His Spurs, G. A. Henty

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood*, Howard Pyle

Fellowship of the Ring, J. R. R. Tolkien

The Two Towers, J. R. R. Tolkien

The Return of the King, J. R. R. Tolkien The Dragon and the Raven, G. A. Henty The Chronicles of Narnia*, C. S. Lewis

King Arthur and His Knights , Roger Lancelyn Green

Rule of St. Benedict, Benedict of Nursia

George Mueller: He Dared to Trust God for The Needs of Countless Orphans, Faith C. Bailey

Through Gates of Splendor, Elisabeth Elliot Biography: Abe Lincoln Grows Up, Carl Sandburg

Autobiography: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Plays: Romeo & Juliet*, A Midsummer Night’s Dream*, Henry V*, As You Like it*, Shakespeare Essays by Bacon, Locke, Emerson, Dickinson


Poetry for Young People (Shakespeare and Longfellow) Speeches:

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address (to be used at the end of the year to lead into American


Patrick Henry’s Address to the House of Burgesses

Daniel Webster’s Address on the Completion of Bunker Hill Monument

Short Stories- selections from:

Washington Irving: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” “Rip Van Winkle”

  1. Henry: “The Gift of the Magi,” “A Retrieved Reformation”

and Flannery O’Conner

*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered


Composition and Grammar texts: Fix It! “The Nose Tree”, IEW Composition I (Part 1, Veritas Press)


**Student enrollment may require combined 7th & 8th grade history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.



8th Grade** Text:

The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with the history scope and sequence of American History (Colonization-Civil War):


The Federalist Papers, Signet Classics

The Anti-Federalist Papers, Signet Classics

The Courtship of Miles Standish, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Common Sense, Thomas Paine

Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford

Men of Iron, Howard Pyle

David Copperfield, Charles Dickens

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe Johnny Tremain, Esther Forbes

Little Women*, Louisa May Alcott

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer*, Mark Twain

The Call of the Wild, Jack London

The Dangerous Journey*, John Bunyan

How to Read a Book, Mortimer J. Adler


Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered


Composition and Grammar Texts:

Fix It! “Robin Hood”, IEW

Composition I (Part 2, Veritas Press)


**Student enrollment may require combined history classes for 7th and 8th grades; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.


9th Grade: ** Text:


The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with the historical time period (Creation-1800):


The Odyssey*, Homer

Beowulf*, trans. by Burton Raffel

When Knights Were Bold, Eva March Tappan

Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott

Prologue to Canterbury Tales*, Geoffrey Chaucer The New Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, John Foxe Henry VIII, William Shakespeare

Macbeth*, William Shakespeare

The Dangerous Journey*, John Bunyan

Sir Gawain and The Green Knight*


*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered

**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.



Composition and Grammar Texts:

Composition 2 (Part 1, Veritas Press)


10th Grade: ** Text:


The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with the historical time period (Reformation-Present):


Poetry of William Wadsworth, Tennyson, Brownings, Keats The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Scarlet Pimpernel, Baroness Orczy

The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare

Pride and Prejudice*, Jane Austen Great Expectations, Dickens

The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis


The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe*, C.S. Lewis The Scarlet Letter*, Nathaniel Hawthorne

*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered

**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.


Composition and Grammar Texts:

Composition 2 (Part 2, Veritas Press)



11th Grade: ** Text:


The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with America’s historical

time period (Civil War-Present):


Abraham Lincoln: Selected Speeches and Writings, Gore Vidal

The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara Cry the Beloved Country, Alan Paton Jayber Crowe, Wendell Berry

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 1984, George Orwell

Thanatos Syndrome, Walker Percy

A Tale of Two Cities*, Charles Dickens

Animal Farm, George Orwell

The Crucible, Arthur Miller

Through Gates of Splendor, Elisabeth Elliot

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Jonathan Edwards Selections from state papers (Words Aptly Spoken)

Selected poems of William Cullen Bryant and Edgar Allan Poe

Selected poems of Phillis Wheatley, Philip Freneau and Francis Hopkinson (Poetry of the Revolution)

Composition and Rhetoric Text:

A Rhetoric of Love (Veritas Press)


*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered

**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied


12 Grade: ** Text:


The English teacher will choose works from the following literary list to correspond with American history/government and to promote advanced, critical thinking:


Selected Essays, Emerson

Poetry of Whitman, Poe, Sandburg, Lanier, Riley, Field, Dickinson, Masters, Robinson, Frost, Eliot, and Millay

Selected Poetry (1925-) by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edgar Lee Masters, Edwin Arlington Robinson,

  1. S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis Socrates Meets Jesus, Kreeft

The Best Things in Life, Kreeft

Till We all Have Faces, C. S. Lewis The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald Anna Karenina*, Leo Tolstoy

Up from Slavery, Booker T. Washington Biography, George Washington Carver The Story of My Life, Helen Keller

The Thread That Runs So True, Jesse Stuart

The Spirit of St. Louis, Charles A Lindbergh

Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered


Composition and Rhetoric Texts:

Rhetoric of Love (Veritas Press)

Chicago Manual of Style for Senior Thesis


*Denotes Memoria Press literature guide availability to accompany the particular work

**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.




7th Grade***

Text and Resources:

The World’s Story 3: The Modern Age, Master Books Curriculum Atlas (TBD)


8th Grade***

Text and Resources

The American Republic, Bob Jones University Press Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents, 2nd Edition


***Student enrollment may require combined history classes for 7th and 8th grades; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied. Courses will be rotated biannually to provide the necessary credits for promotion.


9th Grade ***

Texts and Resources:

Streams of Civilization Volume I, Liberty Press

Geography III, Student Text & Workbook (Memoria Press)


10th Grade***

Texts and resources:

Streams of Civilization Volume II, Liberty Press Geography III, Student Text & Workbook (Memoria Press)


11th Grade***

Texts and resources:

American History: Combined Edition, Thomas Kidd

Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents that Shaped the United States


12th Grade: Government & Economics***

Texts and Resources


American Government, BJU Press

Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents that Shaped the United States


Foundations in Personal Finance Curriculum (Dave Ramsey)

Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Current Captivity by Nancy Pearcey


***Student enrollment may require combining grade levels; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied. Courses will be rotated biannually to provide the necessary credits for graduation.




7th Grade Texts:

Math 7, Teaching Textbooks

Pre-Algebra, Teaching Textbooks


8th Grade Texts:

Pre-Algebra, Teaching Textbooks Algebra I, Teaching Textbooks


9th Grade Texts:

Geometry, Teaching Textbooks

10th Grade Text:

Algebra II, Teaching Textbooks


11th Grade Text:

Pre-Calculus, Teaching Textbooks


12th Grade Text:

Calculus, Math-U-See





7th Grade**** Text:

General Science, Apologia


8th Grade****

Text and Resources:

Physical Science, Novare

Fallacy Detective, Bedford and Bluedom


****Student enrollment may require combined science classes for 7th and 8th grades this year. If so, courses will be rotated biannually to provide the necessary credits for promotion.



9th Grade**** Text:

General Biology, Novare


10th Grade**** Text:

General Chemistry, Novare



11th Grade**** Text:

Physics: Modeling Nature, Novare


12th Grade**** Text:

Environmental Science, Karen Arms


****Student enrollment may require combining grade levels. If so, courses will be rotated biannually to provide the necessary credits for graduation.