faith, academics, excellence, and community
The aim of the academic program at Legacy is to educate students with excellence, providing preparation for college and beyond that is both high quality and Christ-centered (Luke 2:52; Pro. 1:2-7; 3:13-20; 4:1-9). We will promote and adhere to high academic standards that stress the importance of character development as a basis for true academic success and achievement. We will teach a work ethic that values doing all things “as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). Our curriculum design and instructional practices will emphasize the acquisition and application of critical and creative thinking skills as well as the acquisition of data and the mastery of concepts. We will teach and encourage the use of good study habits and train our students how to engage in independent study and research. We will offer a balanced treatment of the arts, humanities, and sciences and equip students with a healthy biblical worldview.
Junior high, for any student, is a time that offers opportunities for greater independence with some directed support from home and school. At Legacy we provide these opportunities, in addition to higher personal and academic expectations, with the focus of preparing students for a successful high school experience. Bible classes are designed to help junior high students to understand and live out the biblical world view in today's post-Christian culture. Students will increase in their cultural engagement and critical thinking skills with Socratic questioning, real world applications and a comparative worldview approach. History and literature courses will be strategically integrated with story and time period. This gives students the best and most thorough way to learn a certain era, while also giving more opportunities for families to dive deeper into discussion and novels and events overlap. History and geography are presented to the student with the constant influence of a Christian world view. Science is also presented through a Christian lens with hands-on application including lab work and presentations.
Mathematics is level specific using excellent curriculum to prepare each student for whatever educational endeavors they pursue in the future. Students are also offered various electives, including computer skills, drama and finance. Curriculum is chosen with AdvancedED accreditation in view. Each subject is taught by teachers that are knowledgeable and experienced in that area of study.When choosing a textbook, Legacy’s goal is to put the very best resource into our students’ hands. We select Christian textbooks when they meet the highest academic standards. However, if a secular textbook does a better job of meeting the rigorous content requirements of a specific course, it may be our choice. Because textbooks are tools in teaching, they do not make up the entirety of the course. Our instructors are the key to much of our Biblical integration. They daily model their love of God and His word and naturally impart this when teaching their subject matter. At Legacy, students are challenged and equipped to think Biblically and critically throughout every academic discipline.
The junior high program partners with parents to develop students who recognize their need for a strength greater than their own and therefore, come under the leadership of Jesus Christ. During the junior high years students continue to develop character, integrity and personal responsibility through Biblical study and ownership of academics and their spiritual life. Junior high students are provided leadership opportunities through school wide worship and other programs. These opportunities begin the process of helping students identify their gifts as they transition into high school.
*Individual course descriptions will be developed at a later time and posted here.
Legacy’s high school program is designed to help our students identify and cultivate their God-given gifts producing wholesome, competent men and women of character who make a positive difference in the next generation. Our curriculum design and instructional practices will emphasize the acquisition and application of critical and creative thinking skills as well as the acquisition of knowledge and the mastery of concepts. We will teach and encourage the use of good study habits and train our students how to increasingly engage in independent study and research. This shall result in the successful transition of students directly into college with minimal “culture shock” since they have already experienced a college-simulated, work environment at the high school level. We will strive to offer a balanced treatment of the arts, humanities and sciences and to help students develop a healthy Biblical Worldview.
High school is a time that offers even more opportunities for greater independence with parents’ encouragement mostly necessary for ensuring students are utilizing disciplined study habits and gaining a growing awareness of personal consequences for their work. At Legacy we provide these opportunities, in addition to higher personal and academic expectations, with the focus of preparing students for a successful transition into college. Bible classes in which we study and apply the Word of God to daily life, will include a focus on the development of a biblical worldview. High school courses will provide the required credits for graduation and are listed below. Curriculum is chosen with AdvancedED accreditation in view. Each subject is taught by teachers that are knowledgeable and experienced in that area of study.
When choosing a textbook, Legacy’s goal is to put the very best resource into our students’ hands. We select Christian textbooks when they meet the highest academic standards. However, if a secular textbook does a better job of meeting the rigorous content requirements of a specific course, it may be our choice. Because textbooks are tools in teaching, they do not make up the entirety of the course. Our instructors are the key to much of our Biblical integration. They daily model their Love of God and His word and naturally impart this when teaching their subject matter. At Legacy, students are challenged and equipped to think Biblically and critically throughout every academic discipline.
The high school program partners with parents to monitor the independent schoolwork performed by their child by providing guidance if needed. By 11th and 12 grade, independent study skills and disciplined planning for completing homework assignments is increasingly necessary. Courses offered will mimic that of a junior college program where independent study, research skills, time-management, a strong work ethic, and self-discipline are essential. This is the time when students should hold primary responsibility for their schoolwork to facilitate ease of transition into college. High school students are also provided leadership opportunities through school wide programs.
Legacy Christian School aims to provide the necessary courses for our students to progress through their educational career and ultimately earn a Foundation High School Diploma with an Endorsement and Distinguished Level of Achievement based on the requirements established by the State of Texas. Further, Legacy’s academic course offerings promote the classic, historic, Christian emphasis and are designed to consummate the cultivation of self-directed learners. Biblical principles at the heart of every subject equip our students with a Biblical world and life view which they are able to articulate and defend.
Bible: This year-long course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students. A study of the 66 books of the Bible are presented, along with an in-depth study of the school year's biblical theme. Along with an overview of each book of the Bible, students will gain an understanding of the Bible's message of our salvation through Jesus's death and resurrection.
Introduction to Biblical Worldview: This year-long course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students. It presents Christian answers to the “big questions” about God, the universe, people, truth, and right and wrong through a biblical perspective. The Bible survey component focuses on the book of Acts. Key topics covered include:
- Creation and the Fall
- Covenants
- Monotheism
- Omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience
- Revelation, theism, truth, and worldview
Biblical Worldview I: This year-long course is designed for 9th grade students. A High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above. This course offers a comprehensive Christian approach toward the disciplines of theology, philosophy, ethics, psychology, sociology, and biology. It will help students understand how they can live out their Christian worldview in a post-Christian culture. Students will learn to apply biblical principles to all aspects of their lives as they learn what it means to think, make decisions, and act in ways that glorify God and align to His Word. The Bible survey component examines the remaining Epistles not yet covered in previous courses and Revelation.
Biblical Worldview II: This year-long course is designed for 10th grade students. A High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 and above. This course is an introduction to the core beliefs of Christianity and the most common objections to the faith. It teaches the basics of the Christian faith and shows students how to defend and promote the biblical worldview against a myriad of detractors. It will equip students to engage their culture and defend their faith with sound biblical theology and powerful apologetics. Methods used in this course invite students to ask tough questions and assist teachers in creating an open environment where dialogue and discussion lead to informed discipleship. By the end of the course, students will have a solid grasp of the essentials of a Christian worldview and will be well equipped to respond to the most common objections to the faith.
Biblical Worldview III: This year-long course is designed for 11th grade students. A High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 and above. This course is a survey of six dominant worldviews of our age with specific focus given to 10 key academic disciplines. It teaches students how to identify and counter the bad ideas so many young adults have unwittingly adopted. Methods used in this course invite students to ask tough questions and assists teachers in creating an open environment where dialogue and discussion lead to informed discipleship. By the end of the course, students will recognize the patterns of ideas and see how Christian thought stands out among all the competing voices.
Biblical Worldview IV: This 2-semester course is designed for 12th grade students. A High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 and above. This course is a survey of social engagement and outlines the key social issues of our time. It shows students how to connect their biblical worldview and transform our post-Christian culture. Methods used in this course invite students to ask tough questions and assists teachers in creating an open environment where dialogue and discussion lead to informed discipleship. By the end of the course, students will understand the various approaches that Christians have used in the past to engage culture and will have a clear path forward to begin making a difference in their communities. As students master the big ideas behind worldviews, they will be less likely to be taken captive by false philosophies and more likely to influence their generation for Christ.
Philosophy for the English Literature and Composition Program
Legacy’s vision for the Literature and Composition program is for students to learn to think Biblically using the 3 D’s: Discussion, Discernment and Delivery.
- Learning the art of rich discussion of the great classics launched both in the classroom and at home as a part of discipleship.
- Teaching students to discern truth from falsehood, good and evil, ultimately preparing them to be light bearers.
- Guiding students to deliver a virtuous message with excellence in both the written and spoken word.
Our history and literature courses will be strategically integrated with story and time period. We believe this gives the students the best and most thorough way to learn a certain era, while also giving more opportunities for families to dive deeper into discussion as novels and events overlap.
Introduction to Literature Genres: This year-long course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students to engage in conversation as they are exposed to a variety of literature genres of drama, poetry, and historical novels in classic works. Literature will be intentionally coordinated with the history time period. The 7th grade composition portion begins the student’s journey into delivering the eloquent message. By methodically teaching the students to expand their level of writing and critical thinking, they will be able to learn the art of producing quality writing (for example, in the form of persuasive essay).
Introduction to American Literature: This year-long course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students to absorb and think critically about the times of our Founding Fathers and early America. Students will be led in discussion surrounding the literature and given opportunity in assignments to share their understanding of the literature in the era of shaping our country. The 8th grade composition portion will be a continuation of composition, expanding upon building biblically-based, sound argument and invention of story.
English I: This year-long course is designed for 9th grade students to understand and discuss the great classics corresponding with the history period. Students will further enjoy God’s rich gift of communication, while experiencing a deeper understanding about the role of the English language in history. The 9th grade composition component will be a continuation of maturing writing skills — expanding into assignments such as the judicial essay. Students will sharpen the skill of formulating their ideas, preparing the student for continued integration of rhetoric. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
English II: This year-long course is designed for 10th grade students to study a variety of literature from Reformation, Puritan Age, and classics from the 18th century to present. Particular consideration on projects and presentations will be given to the time period overlapping with the history focus on Civil War to present. Students will engage in deeper writing and continue to form ideas, content, voice and fluency using the writing curriculum, continuing to master the composition and rhetorical skill set. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
English III: This year-long course is designed for 11th grade students to further unearth and analyze the gems in American Literature. Students will have the chance to revisit this time period while engaging in deeper, biblical discussion surrounding the literature of the great heroes of our country while extrapolating their irreplaceable character virtues. Rhetoric skill will continue to be mastered and highlighted at this point of the academic journey, as students continue on the path of virtuous and excellent expression. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
English IV: This year-long course is designed for 12th grade students to finish well and excellently in their literature reasoning and rhetoric journey with the goal of living as eloquent communicators for Christ. Students’ study will include a second portion of American literature and the Great American Documents—classic texts for rhetoric discussion, analysis and presentation preparation. Students learn to compose different styles of speeches, learn the skills of effective oration, and practice giving speeches to the audience of the Legacy student body. A senior thesis will be required that engages students in the process of applying their Biblical worldview through research and writing. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Philosophy Statement for History Courses:
History is Christ, His Story! History is the record of God’s relationship to man from creation onward. It tells us the reasons we are here and God’s divine purpose for us as individuals and as nations.
Providence (God’s Sovereign Hand) is the key to understanding history. Providential history begins with the individual and his response to Christ.
Because God’s Providential Hand governs all events, the study of history at Legacy will provide a Biblical Christian worldview of universal history by teaching that the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe and the Author of history unfolds His plan and purposes through individuals and nations for Christ, His Story.
Our history and literature courses will be strategically integrated with story and time period. We believe this gives the students the best and most thorough way to learn a certain era, while also giving more opportunities for families to dive deeper into discussion as novels and events overlap.
Introduction to World History & Geography: This year-long course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students. This course is a survey of Reformation to Present and teaches history as the record of God’s relationship to man throughout time. God is the sovereign ruler and interacts providentially in the lives of men and nations. History and literature in this course will be intentionally integrated with one another. Students will study the rise and fall of nations, their national character and disposition, their culture and form of government, and the virtues and vices of those who governed. They will chart the geographical march of history through the study of main events, persons, writings, and establishments illustrating how men are governed and how God uses individual character to forward history. Students will effectively articulate ideas and concepts through essays, oration, class discussions, and oral presentations.
Introduction to American History & Geography: This year-long course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students. The course exists to provide students with a method of looking at history from a distinctively Christian perspective. This providential view of history presents a look at the history of the United States, by seeing how this nation has been formed and shaped by the hand of God. The history of the United States will be examined and assessed from colonization into the 20th century, recognizing that throughout this history God is fully sovereign and always in control. History and literature in this course will be intentionally integrated with one another. Students will effectively articulate ideas and concepts through essays, oration, class discussions, and oral presentations.
World History: This year-long course is designed for 9th and 10th grade students. A High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above. The course will help firmly established students in sound historic scholarship through the cultivation of an understanding of God’s universal truths, as well as the nature and impact of worldviews. History and literature in this course will be intentionally integrated with one another. Students will be provided the foundation for understanding and practicing a unified and integrated approach to life as it relates to the spiritual, intellectual, political, economic, legal educational and cultural developments of world civilization from Creation to the Modern Era. Students will be guided to reason Biblically from presuppositions and foundational principles so that they recognize the nature and consequences of ideas, as well as understand history and all of life from a Biblical Christian perspective. Students will effectively articulate ideas and concepts through essays, oration, class discussions, and oral presentations.
World Geography: This year-long course designed for 9th and 10th grade students. A High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above. Students will be firmly established in sound historic scholarship through the cultivation of an understanding of God’s universal truths, as well as the nature and impact of worldviews. Students will be provided the foundation for understanding and practicing a unified and integrated approach to life as it relates to physical, political and human geography. Students will effectively articulate ideas and concepts through maps, projects, essays, oration, class discussions, and oral presentations.
American History – Civil War to Current: This year-long course is designed for 11th and 12th grade students. A High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above. This course will provide students with an understanding of God’s direction and character in the growth of our nation learning to analyze God’s relationship to the events of history. They will understand their place in God’s plan and their role as instruments of His plan. They will understand the relationship of all nations to God. This course is a survey of United States History that begins with the Civil War to the present. The course focuses on the periods of discovery, colonization, revolution, and nation building, during the first semester. In the second semester the course contains the abuses and political realities after the war, the growth of industrialization, America’s role in the global economy during the Great Depression, the impact of America’s 20th and 21st Century wars and America’s position in the modern world as the one remaining “SuperPower.” Material presented includes a wide variety of topics encompassing spiritual, cultural, intellectual, military, and political history. Students will develop an understanding of successive worldviews in American Civilization and their societal impact as well as expressing knowledge of those significant persons, events, movements, and societal developments from the Reformation to the Present. History and literature in this course will be intentionally integrated with one another. Students will effectively articulate ideas and concepts through essays, oration, class discussions, and oral presentations.
American Government and Economics: Each of these 1-semester courses is designed for 11th and 12th grade students. A High School Diploma 0.5 credit per course is awarded upon completion with averages of 70 or above. Government is designed to teach students the source, origin, and purpose of government and economics and to reclaim and forward the principles of our American heritage of Christian self- and civil government. The courses are developed to form a biblical worldview in each student by teaching how to think and reason from truth through leading ideas and Christian principles of government and economics. This will equip them to recognize the nature and consequences of ideas, as well as to understand government and economics from a biblical Christian perspective. Students will examine the three branches of the federal government in history, as well as in current practice. An examination of the Constitution of the United States, with the rights, liberties, and requirements contained within it, will also be embarked upon as the primary source for looking at our government and how it has changed and developed over the history of this nation and how it interacts with our faith and life. Dave Ramsey’s “Foundations in Personal Finance” curriculum teaches how to rightfully manage monetary resources for personal budgets as well as for charitable giving. Students are encouraged to fulfill Christian tenets such as good stewardship and sharing with others who are in need. History and literature in this course will be intentionally integrated with one another. Students will be encouraged and challenged to be true reforming powers and leaders by mastering and implementing Christian principles related to government and economics in their own lives and in their nation.
Philosophy Statement for Math Courses:
Natural systems, created by God, are modeled with mathematics. God reveals His wisdom through this orderly aspect of the physical world. Therefore, learners should progress through their knowledge of mathematics so that they can build on their understanding of God’s creation and be confident in their faith in God’s Word.
Pre-Algebra: This year-long course provides a stronger foundation for students needing more practice with fractions, decimals, percent, and geometry. Pre-Algebra also introduces the concepts of integers, solving for an unknown, and working with powers.
Algebra I: This year-long course is designed to follow a study of Pre-Algebra. Topics covered include equations, integers, powers, roots, graphing functions, systems of equations, and inequalities. Eighth-grade students may take this course for High School Diploma credit. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Geometry: This year-long course is designed to follow a study of Algebra I. Topics covered include the study of 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional objects, area, perimeter, volume, proportions, coordinate geometry, and an introduction to trigonometry. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Algebra II: This year-long course is designed to follow a study of Geometry or Algebra I. Topics such as solving systems of equations, radical expressions, complex numbers, polynomials, inequalities, functions, logarithms, statistics, and probability are covered. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Pre-Calculus: This year-long course is designed to follow a study of Algebra II and Geometry. Topics covered include polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, radial, and trigonometric functions. Students will also learn matrices, statistics, and analytic geometry. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Calculus: This year-long course is designed to follow a study of Pre-Calculus. Topics covered include limits and continuity, derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals, exponential and logarithmic functions and their derivatives, and applications to physics and economics. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
General Science: This year-long course for 7th grade students explores broad topics such as the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, geology, archaeology, biology, and more, with a large focus on Earth Science (astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, earth study, geology, paleontology, and environmental science). Hands-on experiments give learners practical experience as they discover the principles behind science and learn how to record and report data. Students will learn to see God's hand in all of life as they learn about the world He made; they will also read testimonies from modern-day scientists who interpret data through a Christian worldview. Students will complete a STEAM project in the Spring semester which applies their creativity and scientific skills.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC): This year-long course is a study of basic physical and chemical phenomena for 8th-9th grade students who have taken or are currently enrolled in Algebra I. Biblical integration guides learners to appreciate the order of the physical world as designed by God. The nature of truth, theories, facts, hypotheses, and the nature of scientific knowledge is also discussed during this course. Hands-on activities in class support the concepts presented. Students will complete a STEAM project in the Spring semester which applies their creativity and scientific skills. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Biology: This year-long course for 9th and10th grade students is a conceptual study of life systems, classification of life, and the scientific method. Life is created by God with purpose and living things act with purpose. Learners are guided to address theories such as evolution as models that account for and explain data we have about the natural world. There is no conflict between studying the world God made and believing in the One who made it. Hands-on activities in class support the concepts presented. Students will complete a STEAM project in the Spring semester which applies their creativity and scientific skills. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Chemistry: This year-long course is a study of the concepts of matter and the interactions between substances. This course utilizes math to solve problems as well as provides hands-on laboratories to enhance learning. This class is designed for 9th and 10th grade students who have successfully completed Algebra I. God created an orderly universe which can be modeled through math and understood through the knowledge of atoms. Students will complete a STEAM project in the Spring semester which applies their creativity and scientific skills. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Physics: This year-long course is a study of the concepts of matter and energy and the changes they undergo. This course utilizes math to solve problems as well as provides hands-on laboratories to enhance learning. This class is designed for 11th and 12th grade students who have successfully completed Algebra I and either Algebra II or Geometry. God created an orderly universe which can be modeled through math and understood through the knowledge of matter and energy. Students will complete a STEAM project in the Spring semester which applies their creativity and scientific skills. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Earth and Space Science: This year-long course studies the physical evidences available to support origin theories. This class is designed for 11th-12th grade students who have successfully completed Algebra I and either Algebra II or Geometry. We have been given a logical mind to discern the evidence of God as our Creator and the evidence of the Global Flood. A study of the ancient names of stars and constellations is also evidence of man's relationship with God since creation. Laboratory exercises and hands-on activities enrich the student’s experience. Students will complete a STEAM project in the Spring semester which applies their creativity and scientific skills. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Spanish I: This year-long class is designed for 8th-9th grade students. Spanish I introduces the students to the distinctiveness of the Spanish language, the diversity of the Hispanic cultures and God’s purposes for the Spanish-speaking nations. The students begin to develop the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in real-life contexts. Communication skills are enhanced by conversations with native Spanish speakers as students cultivate the richness of the spoken language. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Spanish II: This class is designed for 9th-10th grade students who have completed Spanish I. All aspects of grammar and vocabulary taught in Spanish I are reinforced and expanded upon in the second year. Application of grammar rules and learned vocabulary is accomplished by increased emphasis on conversation through oral exchange about real-life contexts. Students begin to express their own ideas through writing while increasing their understanding of Hispanic culture from a Biblical worldview. Students are exposed to a variety of reading strategies that increase their level of mastery and comprehension.
Spanish III: This year-long course is designed for 10th-11th grade students who have completed Spanish I and II. Building upon the first two levels of Spanish, this course emphasizes greater fluency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students increase their vocabulary and master basic grammatical structures so that writing becomes more proficient and articulate. Creativity in expression is emphasized through journaling thoughts and prayers in Spanish. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Art: This year-long course is designed for 9th-12th grades with an intermediate skill level. The focus is on the 7 elements of art, and covers media such as ochre, drawing, clay, acrylic paint and canvas. High School Diploma credit is awarded upon completion with an average of 70 or above.
Legacy Christian School
Textbook and Resource List
7th & 8th Grades*
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV)
Walking in Truth: The Christian Worldview (Summit Ministries)
Student Workbook
World News Group
High School: 9th-12th Grades*
The Holy Bible. English Standard Version (ESV)
Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics, Jeff Meyers & David A. Noebel (Summit Ministries)
Student Workbook
World News Group
Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Current Captivity by Nancy Pearcey
In the Likeness of God by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey
*Bible classes will be combined grades until student enrollment allows more division. Courses listed in the course catalogue on the Legacy website will be rotated to provide the necessary credits for promotion and graduation.
Our goal is to integrate history, literature, writing and Biblical worldview as our students progress through Legacy. The teachers from each of these disciplines will work together to assign projects, coordinate lesson plans and meld a vision to accomplish this scope and sequence of humanities.
7th Grade**
Students are introduced to a variety of genres in 7th grade. The English teacher will choose from following list to accomplish this goal and integrate with the historical time period (1400-1600):
A Christmas Carole, Charles Dickens
Swiss Family Robinson, Johann Wyss
The Hobbit*, J. R. R. Tolkien
The Nine Tailors, Dorothy Sayers
Winning His Spurs, G. A. Henty
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood*, Howard Pyle
Fellowship of the Ring, J. R. R. Tolkien
The Two Towers, J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King, J. R. R. Tolkien
The Dragon and the Raven, G. A. Henty
The Chronicles of Narnia*, C. S. Lewis
King Arthur and His Knights , Roger Lancelyn Green
Rule of St. Benedict, Benedict of Nursia
George Mueller: He Dared to Trust God for The Needs of Countless Orphans, Faith C. Bailey
Through Gates of Splendor, Elisabeth Elliot
Biography: Abe Lincoln Grows Up, Carl Sandburg
Autobiography: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Plays: Romeo & Juliet*, A Midsummer Night’s Dream*, Henry V*, As You Like it*, Shakespeare
Essays by Bacon, Locke, Emerson, Dickinson
Poetry for Young People (Shakespeare and Longfellow)
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address (to be used at the end of the year to lead into American History)
Patrick Henry’s Address to the House of Burgesses
Daniel Webster’s Address on the Completion of Bunker Hill Monument
Short Stories- selections from:
Washington Irving: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” “Rip Van Winkle”
Henry: “The Gift of the Magi,” “A Retrieved Reformation”
and Flannery O’Conner
*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered
Composition and Grammar texts:
Structure and Style, IEW
**Student enrollment may require combined 7th& 8th grade history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.
8th Grade**
The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with the history scope and sequence of American History (Colonization-Civil War):
The Federalist Papers, Signet Classics
The Anti-Federalist Papers, Signet Classics
The Courtship of Miles Standish, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Common Sense, Thomas Paine
Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford
Men of Iron, Howard Pyle
David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe
Johnny Tremain, Esther Forbes
Little Women*, Louisa May Alcott
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer*, Mark Twain
The Call of the Wild, Jack London
The Dangerous Journey*, John Bunyan
How to Read a Book, Mortimer J. Adler
Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered
Composition and Grammar Texts:
Structure and Style, IEW
**Student enrollment may require combined history classes for 7th and 8th grades; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.
9th Grade: **
The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with the historical time period (Creation-1800):
The Odyssey*, Homer
Beowulf*, trans. by Burton Raffel
When Knights Were Bold, Eva March Tappan
Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott
Prologue to Canterbury Tales*, Geoffrey Chaucer
The New Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, John Foxe
Henry VIII, William Shakespeare
Macbeth*, William Shakespeare
The Dangerous Journey*, John Bunyan
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight*
*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered
**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.
Composition and Grammar Texts:
Composition, Veritas Press
10th Grade: **
The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with the historical time period (Reformation-Present):
Poetry of William Wadsworth, Tennyson, Brownings, Keats
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Scarlet Pimpernel, Baroness Orczy
The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare
Pride and Prejudice*, Jane Austen
Great Expectations, Dickens
The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis
The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe*, C.S. Lewis
The Scarlet Letter*, Nathaniel Hawthorne
*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered
**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.
Composition and Grammar Texts:
Composition, Veritas Press
11th Grade:**
The English teacher will choose from the following list to correspond with America’s historical time period (Civil War-Present):
Abraham Lincoln: Selected Speeches and Writings, Gore Vidal
The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara
Cry the Beloved Country, Alan Paton
Jayber Crowe, Wendell Berry
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
1984, George Orwell
Thanatos Syndrome, Walker Percy
A Tale of Two Cities*, Charles Dickens
Animal Farm, George Orwell
The Crucible, Arthur Miller
Through Gates of Splendor, Elisabeth Elliot
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Jonathan Edwards
Selections from state papers (Words Aptly Spoken)
Selected poems of William Cullen Bryant and Edgar Allan Poe
Selected poems of Phillis Wheatley, Philip Freneau and Francis Hopkinson (Poetry of the Revolution)
Composition and Rhetoric Text:
A Rhetoric of Love, Veritas Press
*Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered
**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied
12 Grade: **
The English teacher will choose works from the following literary list to correspond with American history/government and to promote advanced, critical thinking:
Selected Essays, Emerson
Poetry of Whitman, Poe, Sandburg, Lanier, Riley, Field, Dickinson, Masters, Robinson, Frost, Eliot, and Millay
Selected Poetry (1925-) by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edgar Lee Masters, Edwin Arlington Robinson, T. S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg
The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis
Socrates Meets Jesus, Kreeft
The Best Things in Life, Kreeft
Till We all Have Faces, C. S. Lewis
The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald
Anna Karenina*, Leo Tolstoy
Up from Slavery, Booker T. Washington
Biography, George Washington Carver
The Story of My Life, Helen Keller
The Thread That Runs So True, Jesse Stuart
The Spirit of St. Louis, Charles A Lindbergh
Literature guides from Memoria Press pertaining to novels/works covered
Composition and Rhetoric Texts:
Rhetoric of Love, Veritas Press
Chicago Manual of Style for Senior Thesis
*Denotes Memoria Press literature guide availability to accompany the particular work
**Student enrollment may require combined history classes this year; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied.
7th Grade***
Text and Resources:
The World’s Story 3: The Modern Age, Master Books Curriculum
Atlas (TBD)
8th Grade***
Text and Resources
The American Republic, Bob Jones University Press
Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents, 2nd Edition
***Student enrollment may require combined history classes for 7th and 8th grades; therefore, the literature selections will alternate to align with the history being studied. Courses will be rotated biannually to provide the necessary credits for promotion.
World History and Geography
Texts and Resources:
Streams of Civilization, Volumes I&II, Liberty Press
Geography III, Student Text & Workbook (Memoria Press)
American History
Texts and resources:
American History, Thomas Kidd
Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents
12th Grade:Government & Economics***
Texts and Resources
American Government, BJU Press
Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents that Shaped the United States
Foundations in Personal Finance Curriculum (Dave Ramsey)
Economics, Thomas Sowell
Pre-Algebra, BJU Press
Algebra I, BJU Press
Geometry, BJU Press
Algebra II, BJU Press
Pre-Calculus, BJU Press
Calculus, Pearson
General Science, Apologia
Physical Science, Novare
General Biology, Novare
General Chemistry, Novare
Physics: Modeling Nature, Novare
In the Beginning, Dr. Walt Brown
*Foundation Diploma | Credits |
Foundation Diploma with
Credits |
English: | 4 | English: | 4 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
Government: .5/ Economics .5 | 1 | Government: .5/ Economics: .5 | 1 |
Science: | 3 | Science: | 4 |
Foreign Language: | 2 | Foreign Language | 2 |
Biblical Worldview: (or 1 credit for every year at Legacy) |
4 |
Biblical Worldview: (or 1 credit for every year at Legacy)
4 |
Fine Arts | 1 | Fine Arts | 1 |
Physical Education | 1 | Physical Education | 1 |
Electives | 1 | Electives | 2 |
Total credits | 22 | Total credits | 26 |
*The Foundation Diploma is reserved for students who are not planning to attend an educational program after High School.